Project 67
Using machine learning skills to mine useful patterns related to litter management from open data source, which can help government and relevant department to take measures.
Go to Project | Team 67
Using machine learning skills to mine useful patterns related to litter management from open data source, which can help government and relevant department to take measures.
Go to Project | Team 67
We used BOM and Noosa Council datasets to perform a rough feasibility study for generating Noosa Electricity needs using the East Australian Current and modern hydro barges.
Go to Project | NoosaHydro
Boast Your Coast is a campaign, informative website and Business / Community Hub. The intended audience is residents, owners of small local businesses and tourists. The aim of the Boast Your Coast is to help residents and small businesses within the Sunshine Coast by empowering them with informat...
Go to Project | A Nice Well Behaved Cheese 🧀
This project aims to connect people seeking a career change with current job opportunities in Queensland’s Tourism industry. We’ve created a website with unique algorithms which search job descriptions based on skills and locations to match them with local council and rural business opportunities...
Go to Project | Error 417: Expectation Failed
Our project aims to provide greater access to government services by reducing the demand for face to face appointments at government services. File corrupted, original full length video
Go to Project | Weekend warriors
My Bruce Highway anti-congestion scheme - this is a data story of cables and cars.
Go to Project | Dazed and Confused
Governments are good a regulating business but bad when it comes to providing guidance. It is on everyone's radar to grow the economy in areas of high demand or future need, but there is no real way of individuals knowing what will work where, so of all companies that start up, half fail within t...
Go to Project | The Real Slim Shady
We believe that access to real-time data will aid disaster relief services and assist in the rebuilding and management of past present and future assets. We believe that in emergencies, consistency is key. Consistency in data and communication holds the keys to successful asset management and mo...
Go to Project | LifeSavers
 # Hello * hello * test Hello Hello Hello
Go to Project | GovHack Team Test Project
This project aimed to address the lack of collaboration between government, universities and industry to encourage innovation.
Go to Project | I'm Learnding
By using Rainfall Data, Tourism data and Weather Data we have created a program to find the best tourism location based on the season and data for the best experience, increasing tourism on the coast.
Go to Project | Team 8