Entries to Most creative use of WA data award

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Remember When

Creating an application which unveils the hidden story behind historical buildings, events and locations of significance. User location is tracked via GPS and as they approach a location marked on the map, it will be 'unlocked'. Once unlocked, a pop-up with information about the location will be ...

Go to Project | Remember Team

Health +

Health+ Is an application/service that is a downloadable to mobile devices, its intent is to improve the response of emergency medical services to the public, the GUI would be built so it would be easy for the user to understand and operate effectively. The layout has 5 buttons; maps, user manual...

Go to Project | Team 346

Project Airscape

Project Airscape is an application that lets you, the users, to track air pollution in Australia - and ideally find a correlation between air quality and ocean pollution.

Go to Project | Team Airscape

Machine Learning

Hi, we are the pengunz and our project encompasses three Govhack challenges relating to the implementation of machine learning algorithms into data-sets to better achieve results. Machine learning is the use of a variety of algorithms to conduct in-depth analysis of data-sets to fit specific r...

Go to Project | Pengunz

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