Queensland Confidential Species
Region: Queensland
Description: The list of confidential species from the Queensland Government’s WildNet database. The list is developed by agreement between the Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation and the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection to manage the release of wildlife information such as wildlife locations from the WildNet database. The <a href="https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMTMzNGJhZTEtZjVhMi00NGRlLTk3MjctN2MxNDU0YmVhNWUzIiwidCI6ImQxNmRlNTMwLTk0ZTctNDE1OC1iN2UyLTZlZTIyMGFmNjI4ZCJ9">[Queensland Confidential Species report</a> can be accessed to visualise the data.
Team Projects Utilising Queensland Confidential Species
No team projects utilising this data set currently.