Socio-economic Index for Individuals (SEIFI) 2006 - Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage 4 groups

Region: Australian Capital Territory

Description: This spread sheet shows ABS geographic standards from 2006 across Australia and the % of the 15-64 year old population within each Socio-Economic Indexes for Individuals (SEIFI) IRSD group. The data used to create this information was the same as used in the research paper “Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas: Getting a handle on individual diversity within areas” by Phillip Wise and Rosalynn Mathews. It is advised that this paper is read to further develop an understanding of the concepts and caveats associated with the analytical output contained in the spreadsheet. Group 1 – Approx. most disadvantage 20% of the 15-64 year old population Group 2 – Approx. second most disadvantaged 20% of the 15- 64 population Group 3 – Approx. second least disadvantaged 30% of the 15-64 year old population Group 4 – Approx. least disadvantaged 30% of the 15-64 year old population


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