Rainfall, temperature and wind forecast and observations - verification 2017-05 to 2018-04

Region: Australia

Description: Historical rainfall, temperature and wind forecast and observations hourly data (2017-05 to 2018-04), used to compare and verify forecasting. Observations data is from a sample of 518 automatic weather stations (AWS) over land, and is at the surface level. Data has been aggregated from one-minute readings into hourly values, for forecast comparison purposes. This observations data is partly QC'd. Forecasted weather elements include temperature, maximum and minimum temperature, rainfall probabilities, rainfall amounts, wind speed and wind direction. Different forecast products have different time resolutions, e.g. temperature forecasts are made for each hour, while maximum and minimum temperature forecasts are made for each day. This dataset is approximately 4 Gb in size.


Team Projects Utilising Rainfall, temperature and wind forecast and observations - verification 2017-05 to 2018-04

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