Entries to Indigenous Language for Youth

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Aussie Animal Scavenger Hunt

<p>Aussie Animal Scavenger Hunt (AASH) is an educational product that will have kids learning an Indigenous language while adventuring outdoors searching for animals.</p> <br /><br /> <p>Scavenger Guides (such as teachers, parents or carers) can use our website to print out Animal Scavenger Hun...

Go to Project | Fellowship Rocketship Milksteak Convoke


# The Problem Many Indigenous languages have been lost and they are still disappearing. We spoke to an anthropologist who is an expert in Indigenous languages. He stated that the biggest difficulty in saving the existing languages is young people having no desire to learn them. **How can w...

Go to Project | Joscar

Aug Data

This project is visualize underground assets using Augmented Reality. At present the underground assets can only be seen on map. With this application using Augmented reality and also using City of Gold Coast open data sets Sewer Connection, Recycled Water Pipe, Potable water pipe, raw water main...

Go to Project | My City

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