Immigration Challenge

Jurisdiction: Queensland

How might we tell the stories of immigration to Queensland to learn from the past and inform the future?

A list of useful Queensland Government open datasets are tagged on (
Immigration has influenced Queensland’s history and identity
Immigration data shows how Queensland’s population has grown and changed
Data from 1848 to inform decision making
Unlocking stories can help Queensland thrive into the future

See more information

Entry: Challenge entry is only available to teams in Queensland.

Dataset Highlight

Migrant Ship and Aircraft files 1947-1976

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Immigration Agent Toowoomba 1880 to 1888

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Coloured labour and asiatic aliens in Queensland 1913

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Registers of immigrants 1882 to 1938

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Assistant Immigration Agent Maryborough 1884 to 1907

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Farm Lads 1922-1940

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Australian South Sea Islanders 1867 to 1908

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Oronsay immigration 1925 to 1972

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Register of immigrants 1864 to 1878

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Register of immigrants, Brisbane 1885 to 1917

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Passage certificates 1887 to 1906

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Card index to nominated immigrants 1908 to 1922

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Naturalisations 1851 to 1904

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Passport registers 1926 to 1939

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Immigration 1922 to 1940

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Assistant Immigration Agent Maryborough 1875 to 1884

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Assisted immigration 1848 to 1912

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Challenge Entries

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